Hold My Hydroboost

Not a slogan. Not a tagline. But a phrase that flips the popular expression “Hold My Beer” to put Essentia’s new product name into culture in a repeatable and unmissable way. But rather than the sip leading to an epic fail, it instead becomes the catalyst for an iconic win — proof of what’s possible when we’re properly hydrated.


The campaign begins with Jimmy Butler, starring in: H-O-R-S-E on a Horse.


Ahead of launch, we leaked a photo to Reddit. NBA fans went wild and then — they ran with it. The image spread across the internet in the form of reposts, comments, memes, and mentions from places like ESPN, House of Highlights, and Miami Heat Nation.


In just a month and a half, we took the internet by storm - and even reached Essentia's highest site traffic ever.




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The New Yorker / ESPN / Ad Age / Shots / LBB / Shoot Online / Marketing Dive / Best Ads on TV

Directed by Zach Math.
Edited by Paul Watts.
Made with Tom McQueen, George McQueen, Rob McQueen, Nick Bauman, Ben Muckensturm, Cherise Woo, Brendan Dimech, and many more — at Droga5.